Talent & Human Rights Management
Talent & Human Rights Management

Talent Development
Hanwha Ocean developed an education and training system to achieve the company’s management goals under Hanwha’s core values of “challenge, dedication, and integrity.” We also secured a talent development model by linking the employee competency system with the training system. We will establish a systematic education and training roadmap to foster talented employees in the short- and medium-term. We conducted an employee satisfaction survey to assess their level of satisfaction every time we provide training by position. As such, we work hard to improve our training programs by managing the performance indicators of the programs.

Improvement of
Organizational Culture
Hanwha Ocean strives to promote mutual understanding and communication between management and employees and among employees through diverse communication channels and programs. We renewed our previous activities, such as the Junior Board and mutual understanding workshops, to improve corporate culture, and created new programs such as Business & Culture Partner (B&CP) and town hall meetings.
Hanwha Ocean supports our employees to strike a balance between work and family life through pre- and post-natal leave, parental leave for spouse’s childbirth, reduced working hours for childcare, and parental leave to ensure maternity protection as well as a staggered commute system.
Hanwha Ocean operates a staggered commute system to create a flexible work culture, improve the autonomy and sense of responsibility among employees, and enhance their work engagement and work-life balance. The staggered commute program allows employees to arrive at work at 7, 8, or 9 AM instead of their conventional working hours, helping them strike a work-life balance and take control of their working hours. With the system in place, our employees feel more satisfied at work and can increase a sense of responsibility for their work. By giving them the flexibility to work when they are most productive, it can also contribute to increasing their work efficiency. The staggered commute system, which is available to all employees, was actively used by approx. 47% of our employees as of 2023.
The Hanwha Group conducts an organizational culture assessment survey for employees each year to identify the strengths and areas of improvement regarding the organizational culture. The survey largely consists of 56 diagnostic questions covering organizational commitment and eight areas affecting organizational commitment (leadership, atmosphere, awareness & attitude, relationship & communication, HR system, strategy, structure, and process).

Welfare benefits
Hanwha Ocean provides various support and welfare systems as well as related facilities for the welfare of our employees.
Indicator | Unit | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Financial assistance for children’s tuition fees | KRW 1,000 | 10,824,543 | 10,143,124 | 9,436,989 | 9,380,131 |
Medical expense coverage |
KRW 1,000 | 8,557,247 | 8,543,110 | 8,780,223 | 8,862,791 |
Congratulations and condolence allowance |
KRW 1,000 | 722,300 | 618,900 | 745,460 | 664,800 |
Housing loans
Assistance in connecting with financial institutions for home purchases and rentals
Dormitory & Private residence
Supporting dorms and rental apartments to help employees with housing costs
Financial assistance for children’s tuition fees
Financial assistance for preschool, middle school, high school, and college education of employees’ children
Medical expenses
Support for hospitalization and surgical expenses, and dental prosthetics cost for employees and their family
Group insurance
Subscription of group insurance for all employees to help them pay for future expenses caused by illness or disability (death, cancer, disability, guaranteed issue, etc.)
Congratulations and condolence allowance
Provision of congratulatory/bereavement leave for employees who lot their spouse, relatives, and other family members; provision of vacation allowances
Medical checkup
Annual medical checkup (comprehensive biannual checkup)
Childcare facilities
Childcare center (2 locations)
Joint wedding ceremony
Financial support for weddings and honeymoon; full payment for a gold ring
Long-term service
Provision of a long-term service leave and vacation allowances to boost the morale of employees who served for a long time; 37.5 g gold and 75 g gold are awarded to those who have worked for more than 10 years and 20 years, respectively
Provision of allowance for self-development and lectures for competency development
Accommodation and recreational facilities
Support for condominiums and recreational facilities
Labor Day
Provision of gifts
Operation of commuter buses
(Okpo Shipyard, Siheung R&D Campus)buses during Seollal and Chuseok holidays, and Seoul-bound buses (weekends)
In-house employee welfare fund
Provision of in-house employee welfare funds to reduce their grievances, support the rehabilitation of their disabled children, and encourage sports and cultural activities
Employee Stock Ownership Association
Operation of an employee stock ownership plan to help them build wealth, participate in management, and foster a sense of ownership