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Sustainability report

Sustainability report 2023 Download Sustainability report 2023

Performance Data

Performance Data

Key Visual

Climate Action

Greenhouse Gas Management
Total Emissions (Scope 1 & 2)
Greenhouse Gas Management Table
Indicator Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total emissions (Scope 1 & 2) tCO2eq 296,766 317,725 416,679
Direct (Scope 1) emissions tCO2eq 101,295 122,529 187,855
Indirect (Scope 2) emissions tCO2eq 195,471 195,198 228,824
GHG emissions intensity tCO2eq/
KRW 100
6.61 6.54 5.61
Reduction rate (intensity) % -29.03 1.17 14.22
Greenhouse Gas Management
Indicator Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total (Scope 3) emissions tCO2eq 134,519 20,606,295 29,030,930
Purchased goods and services tCO2eq - 3,176,178 2,952,151
Capital goods tCO2eq 873 4,201 6,413
Fuel- and energy-related activities tCO2eq 13,004 28,351 27,215
Upstream transportation and distribution tCO2eq 34,828 41,846 39,697
Waste generated in operations tCO2eq 52,777 54,898 57,601
Business trips tCO2eq 3,056 2,180 3,616
Employee commuting tCO2eq 2,461 3,930 3,886
Use of sold products tCO2eq - 17,234,930 25,870,819
End of life treatment of sold products tCO2eq - 2,454 4,072
Investments tCO2eq 28,393 57,327 65,460
Energy Management
Total Energy Consumption
Energy Management Table
Indicator Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total energy consumption TJ 5417.7 5731 7395.4
Direct energy
TJ 1332.2 1650.8 2612.3
Indirect energy
TJ 4085.6 4080.2 4783.0
Energy intensity(KRW) TJ/
KRW 100
0.121 0.118 0.1
Reduction rate (KRW ) % -31.901 2.334 15.603

Environmental Management

Water Management
Water Management
Indicator Unit 2021 2022 2023
Water Total water withdrawn¹⁾ ton 2,401,847 2,318,810 2,765,135
Service water
(for shipyards)
ton 2,297,929 2,216,945 2,682,168
Groundwater ton 52,013 66,555 69,353
Service water
ton 51,905 35,310 13,614
Water stress Withdrawals ton 15,692 16,474 18,197
Water withdrawal rate % 0.7 0.7 0.7
Wastewater treatment Total wastewater treatment ton 19,294 23,558 25,299
Sewage Total sewage flow ton 771,445 843,352 1,006,056
Recycled sewage ton 162,025 89,087 176,128
Recycled sewage rate % 21 10.6 17.5
  1. 1) Total water withdrawals : Water withdrawals from Dumo Dormitory, NongsoResearch Institute, NeungpoDormitory, SeomunSports Center, and AnjeongIndustrial Complex were added alongside water withdrawals from the OkpoShipyard since 2021.
Waste Management
Total Waste Generated
Waste Management
Indicator Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total waste generated¹⁾ ton 33,659 36,264 41,493

Total general waste
ton 30,659 33,346 37,686
Landfill ton 4,873 6,015 7,247
(heat recovery)
ton 6,998 6,920 6,655
Recycled ton 17,841 19,515 23,021
Others & physico-
chemical treatment
ton 946 895 763
Hazardous waste treatment Total hazardous waste treatment (designated waste) ton 3,000 2,919 3,807
Landfill ton 16 55 40
Incineration (heat recovery) ton 1,136 1,014 1,484
Recycled ton 1,846 1,844 2,274
Others ton 2 6 9
  1. 1) Calculated based on Okpo, Siheung, Anjeong business sites.
Pollutant Management
Chemical Substance Management
Pollutant Management
Indicator Unit 2021 2022 2023
Amount of hazardous chemicals used ton 0 0.05 913.8
Air Pollution Management¹⁾
Air Pollution Management Table
Indicator Unit 2021 2022 2023
NOx Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions ton 6.896 8.107 9.012
NOx emissions intensity tons/
KRW 100 million
0.000154 0.000167 0.00012
SOx Sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions ton 0.023 0.124 0.47
SOx emissions intensity tons/
KRW 100 million
0.000001 0.000003 0.000006
VOCs Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions ton 1871 1,257 1,375
VOC emissions intensity tons/
KRW 100 million
0.041702 0.025863 0.01856
PM Particulate matter (PM10) emissions ton 13.54 13.50 13.36
PM10 emissions intensity tons/
KRW 100 million
0.000302 0.000278 0.00018
  1. 1) Calculated based on Okpo, Siheung, Anjeong business sites.
Water Pollution Management
Water pollution management Table
Indicator Unit 2021 2022 2023
TOC Total organic carbon (TOC) emissions ton 0 0.145 0.259
TOC emissions intensity tons/
KRW 100 million
0 0.000003 0.000003
COD Chemical oxygen demand (COD) emissions ton 0.16 Changed to
Changed to
COD emissions intensity tons/
KRW 100 million
0.0000036 Changed to
Changed to
SS Suspended solid (SS) emissions ton 0.035 0.031 0.019
SS emissions intensity tons/
KRW 100 million
0.00000078 0.00000064 0.00000026
Other Environmental Metrics
Environmental Investments
Environmental Investments and Sales
Environmental Investments and Sales
Indicator Unit 2021 2022 2023
Environmental investments KRW 100 million 93.6 215.9 39.4
R&D cost KRW 100 million 96.1 50.7 48.3
Low-carbon & carbon avoidance products¹⁾ KRW 100 million 21,774 25,660 43,442
  1. 1) The sales are calculated for ships with dual-fuel engines.
Environmental Law Violations
Environmental Law Violations Table 표
Indicator Unit 2021 2022 2023
Violations of environmental laws
and regulations
Violations Cases - - -
Fines and penalties KRW 1 million - - -